
Warshaw Entertainment Blog: Your source for cruise ship performer tales, resources, and insights!

Our team of seasoned performers knows the ins and outs of the exciting world working aboard cruise ships. From the exhilarating performances to the bustling I-95, ship life can be both awe-inspiring and overwhelming. Fear not! Our blog is here to guide you through the uncharted waters, providing invaluable insights and tips tailored specifically for performers like you.

The Journey Of A Cruise Ship Performer: Paige Braley

It’s wild how everything seemingly happens for a reason, right? Including how I found myself as a Warshaw Entertainment Casting Specialist.

5 years of my life were spent cruising around the world. From Alaska to Australia, Spain, Fiji, and everywhere in between, my time performing on cruise ships not only allowed me to experience the world beyond my hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio- but it equipped me for so many different parts of life.

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